Man Kills His Younger Brother Over Sneakers

Man Kills His Younger Brother Over Sneakers

Man Kills His Younger Brother Over Sneakers

Man Kills His Younger Brother Over Sneakers

  ( 4UMF NEWS ) Man Kills His Younger Brother Over Sneakers: No matter the age and no matter the date, it seems that violence will always be the negative that's attached to the highly popular sneaker community. According to The State Journal-Register, an 18-year-old by the name of Juan Kincade is awaiting trail for a murder over sneakers. According to the police, Kincade shot his younger brother Juwan Kincade, who was only 17 years old. Proceeding to steal cash and around a dozen pairs of sneakers, the goods are estimated to be valued at around $500. Juan is facing up to 60 years in prison for the crime with the possibility of an additional sentence of 25 to life because of the use of a firearm. A $2 million bond has been set for older brother Kincade due to his criminal history and being on parole when the murder was committed. The hearing is set to be held on Thursday, August 20th. Arguably one of most heartbreaking sneaker violence stories to ever be reported, hit our comments section below and leave us your thoughts about this tragic story. Source